Sunday 29 June 2014

Find Happiness In Your Week xox - 23rd June 2014

This week has been pretty tough for a lot of people I love. It's been one of those weeks that makes you look at things completely differently and think twice about your priorities. Successful careers, great jobs, beautiful shoes - they're all amazing but they're not the most important. They don't compare to the things that we often overlook the most, like having cuddles with your mum after three months, or laughing hysterically with your best friends or watching 101 Dalmatians on VHS whilst eating donuts.

1. The sunset on Monday evening. Watched from the window of the London to Manchester train! Tried to take a snap but I've definitely not mastered photography on a moving train...

2. SLEEP. Crawling into my bed at home on Monday night. Sleeping for FOURTEEN hours!

3. Waking up starving, going downstairs and finding this homemade pie sitting on the table. Could my mum love the living-in-the-countryside cliché more?! But more importantly, how early is too early for pie?

4. Watching 101 Dalmatians and looking up to see this little rascal peeping up at me from behind the sofa. 

5. Finding and reading old love letters and telegrams from my grandad to my grandma during WW2. It was the most surreal thing and all very Jane Austen-esque. They both died before I was born and because I had never known them, I never thought too much about it. But reading the letters now, I saw them as more than my dad's parents, or my grandparents I never knew; I saw them as people, young and in love and missing each other every day. Finding things out about family you never even knew has this strange power to make you feel emotions, buried deep inside you that you didn't even know you had. I felt sad for them, especially knowing that my grandad had died not long afterwards, but at the same time happy, that I had an insight into who they were, how they met and how much they loved each other. 

6. Finding a pair of my mum's white culottes from about thirty years ago...and sneaking them back to Brighton!

7. Laughing in shock and horror of my new name and wondering if Starbucks will EVER give up on this whole name-on-cup thing...

8. Waking up on the morning I left Manchester and having a coffee with my mum - the only person I know who loves coffee more than me. Sounds so simple and ordinary, but after the previous few days, meant more to me than ever! 

9. Getting into bed with Shill the night I got back to Brighton and realising that having a bed to yourself is nice for a few days, but doesn't compare to having your own human radiator.


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