Wednesday 2 April 2014

10 Problems only a Northerner living in the South will understand...

Just to clarify, I love living down South, but us Northerners can have a bit of a tough time getting accustomed to the Southern ways. I hope you can relate!

1.Having to repeat yourself constantly...and having to explain what all your Northern slang means.

2.Queuing for the cloakroom on a night out, cos’ your Southern girls wanted to take their coats.

3.Watching One Day and wondering who on earth told Anne Hathaway that she could do a Leeds accent...but soon forgetting about this and just focussing on how fit Jim Strugess is once he loses the dodgy hair and gets a bit of stubble.

4. Getting upset and concerned when you go home and people say you sound ‘more Southern’.

5.Paying the same amount of rent for this up North,

as you would for this down South.

6.Obviously the fact you can’t get gravy on your mediocre Southern chips.

7.Getting used to saying dinner instead of tea.

8.Someone insulting the North…

9.Just wanting a bacon butty and a tea,

but getting this instead…

10. Ordering a ciddy black whilst your Southern friend orders a Strawberry and Lime Rekorderlig.

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