Tuesday 7 January 2014

Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves, and of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys, they'd just walk around naked at all times.

Why men can be so wrong about fashion...

I love this by Betsey Johnson! If anyone can say it, it's her. Me and the girls get this all the time. Georgina bought a beautiful mustard yellow tea dress, complete with a little white collar and embroided birds. I could have applauded her on the find; It was so her, but the first thing she said to me was that her boyfriend didn't like it, preferring the tighter dress which showed off her (amazing) figure. I'm not in any way implying that all men want their girlfriends walking around in tight dresses. Unfortunately we all have that friend whose boyfriend would rather she went out dressed as a nun save any other male giving her a second glance; but when it comes down to it, I dress more for other girls than for my boyfriend because I think they can both relate and appreciate. And if you've got a good set of friends, they'll tell you when they don't like something and they'll give valid reasons; reasons you may not have thought of. Because when you have a close girl, her mind is basically an extension of yours. And vice versa. Usually those reasons make complete sense and you realise that together as a team, you've made a logical and solid decision. I don't know why, but men's reasons just aren't good enough. Here's why I think men should stick to their own fashion and let us get on with ours.

1. Because they just don't get it.
Fine, your Grandma may have the same print on her curtains, but don't you get it...vintage floral is something you can always get away with. And yes maybe your mum did have something similar in the 90s. It looked great on her then and it looks great on me now. Look up the word timeless and then we will talk. I'm not gonna lie...we all want our fella's to like the way we look and I do feel the tiniest bit disappointed when I know he doesn't like what I'm wearing; 'cos after all, if we don't want our boyfriends to think we look nice then we're not human, and we're certainly not women. But we have to look past this. Because it really is just his classic male blindness. I'm not saying they're not good at picking their own garms’ but a prime example is this: A week ago I bought a blazer. It was one of those moments where you see something online and time stands still. You want it, you need it. And even if you only have £60 left in your bank account till your student loan comes through, you're prepared to blow 2/3 of it in the name of fashion and maybe even spend £5.95 on next day delivery to get it here sooner. It was old school Shellana with lacy sleeves and an ivory body. It was perfect. So you get in there and only begin to feel relief when it's been dispatched. I was so excited I messaged the girls and the boyfriend and you can guess what happens next. But hey, as soon as I had it on and took a classic 'look how good I look tonight shame you're not here' snapchat, I got a little txt saying something along the lines of, 'oh yeah it is nice actually'. Thank you.

2. They either don't understand the boobs or legs rule or they think we should channel Jane Eyre when we go out.
I'm 21 years old. So as my mother would say, I've got a long way to go when it comes to figuring out men. But you know what, if there's one thing I'm almost 100% sure about (minus the exceptions in this life) is that there are two types of men out there. The men who want every other man in the club to want you, so they can walk out of the club, slap your arse with one hand and shake the hand of a fellow male with the other. Yeah that's right, she's with me. I'm going home with her tonight. My friend at work once told me he felt personally complimented when other men look at his girlfriend on the dance floor. However, if your boyfriend is anything like the other type, I know exactly what you'll be thinking right now: Ha! You must be joking hun.
Lads take note, girls with boyfriends aren’t trying to impress other lads when they go out (well, maybe some but the majority are not), but wearing a long sleeved dress with tights and flats and she might as well be going to a job interview or heading into Uni for a tutorial. And it does get hot in nightclubs you know. Sometimes us girls just want to put on a nice dress, get our legs out and feel like girls. Especially if it's summer. We just want to meet the gals, get some girly appreciation of our choice of outfit and post a few pictures on our social media site of choice (or all of them in my case). My friend once told her boyfriend, 'I dressed like this before you and if you're not careful, I'll dress like this after you too'. I wouldn't go that far and I'm not advocating going out wearing nothing, either. Admittedly, I've looked back on pictures of nights out and a.)wondered how my mother let me out and b.) knew for sure that my Dad cannot have been in; but there's a fine line to be found in my opinion.

3. They don't see past the outfit.
I guess this relates to my first point but something I've noticed with lads is that they struggle to see past what is directly in front of them. You show them a two-piece online, a really classy monochrome number that you want even more because it's in the 'New in' section. What response do you get...'no I don't like that one, bit plain isn't it. Why is the skirt the same as the top? Why don't you get that one instead.' There's no joy in pointing out it's a two-piece by the way. Of course he points to skin tight aztec mini that was doing the rounds in Topshop about 14 months ago but is still in the sale because nobody wants it/it's not summer in Ibiza anymore. Yeah it might look great on the model because she's a size 2 but if I squeeze my post-christmas tum into that I'll more than likely resemble Little Miss Piggy.

The thing is with girls is that we understand each other. Maybe it's the same with lads, I can't comment. But as far as who we dress for, I think the reasons above prove that there's no point in dressing for a man. Imagine what some of us would look like? I do apologise if you're lucky enough to have a fella who has a brilliant eye for women's fashion and isn't gay.

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