Monday 27 January 2014

10 things I definitely should not have done this week...

As humans we tend to beat ourselves up about less than trivial things. 'I can't BELIEVE I did that', 'I can't BELIEVE I did this', never mind the amount of times we judge other people in a day. Yesterday I decided that no matter how rubbish I feel about some of the silly things and annoyingly blatant mistakes I've made in the last seven days, I know that other people, everywhere, will be feeling the same about one thing or another. So for anyone feeling rubbish about their week, here's ten things I wish I hadn't done in the last seven days.

1. Ordered a jumper from an American site without checking whether the customs fees were included in the price.
2. Paid the customs fees so all in all paid £23 for delivery of a £16 jumper.
3. Accidentally drank 0 litres of water all day and ended up with cystitis.
4. Spent my last £40 on a pair of Topshop trousers. Jacket potatoes and pasta for the next week then.
5. Suggested shots in Font, Lola Lo's AND Digital.
6. Fell off the podium in Digital.
7. Woke my studious boyfriend up at 3am.
8. Woke my boyfriend's housemates up at 3.10 am.
9. Ate bodyweight of McDonalds.
10. Put soy sauce on smoked haddock (such a mistake!)


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