Sunday 26 October 2014

10 Of The Best Duster Coats

Duster coats in Autumn are essential - not your heavy duty winter coat for subzero temperatures, but your go-to throw on lightweight number which does the job in the mild Autumn sunshine.

Topshop, £52

Topshop, £75

Topshop, £60

Topshop, £68

Topshop, £40



MONKI, £50




Saturday 25 October 2014

Halloween Make-up Ideas - You Don't Have To Look Slutty To Look Good

Ed Westwick's 12 Hottest Instagram Snaps

I'm not one of those girls who will write MARRY ME on the Instagram photos of celebs, but sometimes you've got to show appreciation the only way you know how. In no particular order - because how could I ever decide?

1. I can't lie and say I'm in love with his tattoos, but I can work past that and appreciate a good bicep when I see one.

2. Clearly a cultured lad and also a surprisingly well worked suit. Not a fan of beards but obviously he pulls it off. 

3. Casually papped getting out of the car and he still looks fit - even in those shoes...

4. To be that gal. Even to be the jacket on that gal.

5. There is nothing that needs to be said for this photo.

6. For some reason, this one is my favourite and I have no idea why. Credit to the sushi too which also looks amazing. How can someone look fit whilst they're eating sushi?

7. Sorry, no. This is my favourite.

8. Because every man looks better in a suit!

9. Again, no words.

10. Just that mischievious facial expression! You never know when he's going to turn around and try and sell you for a hotel.

11. For the sole reason that Anna Wintour is in the photo.

12. Because he can clearly appreciate a true woman.

Feeling like such a perv, this is the first and last time I promise! xox

Why It's Hard To Build A Relationship With Someone Who Laughs You Into Bed

Women are forever analysing different types of men. In the same way lads will sit and discuss women’s bodies, much to our horror and complete disapproval that is, women will quite happily sit with a bottle of wine and a packet of Cadbury Twirl bites, and discuss their commitment phobe/too nice/cheating/controlling/hard-to-get ex-boyfriends until there’s nothing left to analyse – if that’s even possible.

There’s always a reason why you break up with someone – ‘he cheated’, ‘he was too nice to me’, ‘he couldn’t commit properly’ - every ex is categorised until you find the one who doesn’t fall into any of the above – he’s just right for you and that’s why you’re with him now. But yesterday I had a revelation – a whole new tick box for us to ponder over all night long.

Maybe I’m just behind – maybe this lad has been a discovered species for some time – but nevertheless, I was sat around a table of women, when one asked another why she had recently split up with her (ex) boyfriend. I had never seen someone deter so bluntly from skirting around an issue:

“If I’m being completely honest, he made me laugh so much for the first few months, but when that novelty wore off, I realised I really didn’t fancy him. At all.”

Ouch hun. But the girl was just being honest – haven’t we all been there before?

After she told us, I felt sorry for her – she looked embarrassed, as if we were thinking she was a heartless bitch. But we weren’t. We were staring in awe because our minds were buzzing with memories of ex’s, friend’s ex’s, boyfriends of colleagues, even our next-door neighbour’s sister’s housemate who had gone through the same thing.

The one who laughs you into bed. Why had we never realised his existence before?

The kind of guy who you would never initially find attractive, but after a lot of time spent with his hilarious personality, somehow, chemistry appears from nowhere and you can’t shake it. It’s usually at a time when you’re feeling most vulnerable – maybe after going through a break-up – you want something you’ve never had before and although you may not realise it at the time, that something is a lad you don’t fancy the pants off, who buys Penguins for the jokes on the wrapper. What’s wrong with that?

The more the jokes keep coming, the more you like him. Your friends don’t understand and if you’re being honest, you don’t either. But you’ve been through a lot so they’re not gonna question your choices now. You get drunk and hear yourself admitting, “I don’t even know why I like him, there’s just something there” and instantly, you’re lured into a false sense of lust. One minute you’re laughing; the next minute you’re waking up next to him, four weeks in and thinking you’ve fallen in love with your best friend. Who wouldn’t want that?

The problem with he who laughs you into bed, is that you don’t really fancy him. If it were just the two of you on the planet then it might work out, but there are lads out there who you are attracted to, and the longer it goes on, the quicker you realise you don’t see him in the same way and as much as you don’t want to, as guilty as you may feel, you start to compare. The problem is, is that he isn’t your best friend and soon, all the confusion you felt at the start, jigsaws nicely into place. And you don’t even find him funny anymore. Ooops?

Once you realise it’s doomed, it dawns on you that you’ve lost a friend and increased your number of sexual partners by one. You can’t help but feel it was such a waste. Damn.

A focus on aesthetics is often seen as shallow – but it’s so necessary. It doesn’t make you a bad person if ‘finds him attractive’ is top of your list in what you want from a lad. It’s just logical, it just makes sense. Everyone is attracted to someone – something to do with pheromones, apparently. You have to be attracted to your partner – it’s just science isn’t it? Ask yourself this: If he had a crap personality – would you still want to tear his clothes off? No, because what would be left? There’s someone out there for him, and there’s someone out there for you too - someone who ticks all of your boxes. xox

Sunday 12 October 2014

Things Twenty-Something Women Think At Weddings

When you’re a little girl, going to a wedding is the kind of experience similar to going to Disney Land. It’s exciting, there’s always a princess bride and there’s usually lots of kids running around screaming. But whatever wedding you go to – that will be it - the starting point for the imaginations of little girls everywhere. Because from this point onwards, we will picture our own weddings: our own dresses, our own flowers. What on earth would we have our bridesmaids wearing? What colour would their dresses be? If I’m being completely honest, the last thing I ever thought of was who I would actually be marrying. He had no face – just a faceless man to fit in around the dresses and the cake. At seven-years-old – we have time to find the face – but planning a wedding isn’t something that starts down on one knee. Maybe for a man (do they do any of the planning anyway?) but for us girls, it’s a lifelong concern.  At my first wedding I was a bridesmaid and all I can remember from the experience was my mum volunteering me to have the broken hairpiece (cheers mum) and also walking down the aisle making a mental list of all the things I wouldn’t have at my own wedding. Like the sit down meal. And the fifteen bridesmaids, and the aisle - which I felt was just too short.

Now, at twenty-one, shit is getting real. I don’t mean I’m planning a wedding any time soon, but weddings are becoming a more frequent addition to the calendar, engagements of girls I knew from High School are popping up all over Facebook and I can almost count on two hands the number of engagement rings I’ve coo’ed over in the last two months.

There are a certain number of things we girls will inevitably think at a wedding – here’s a few…

1. The dress. I’m so excited. What will it be like? What shape? White? Lacey? Bandeau? What -  WHAT will the dress be like?
2. What will my dress be like? White, lacey, NOT bandeau. I want to look like Kate Middleton on my wedding day. Or Pippa – she looked good too.
3. Who are all these people and why have we never met them before?
4. When can we start drinking I wonder? Probably not in the church but when?
5. Actually never mind drinking, what’s the food situation?
6. The groom looks so nervous.
7. Imagine if you fainted on your wedding day at the altar?
8.  People must actually get married in torrential rain. Like, it must happen sometimes. But how would you know? It could rain any day and what if you were wearing fake tan?
9.  Going abroad could be a good idea, but would all your friends and family travel?
10.  I hate the dress. Now that is exactly the dress I would not wear at my wedding.
11. I LOVE THAT DRESS. I feel like I’m going to squeal I love it so much. I NEED to know everything about it as soon as she gets a minute.
12.  I wonder what shoes she’s got on under the dress, and also if they’re not visible – do you have to wear heels?
13.  But then it is your wedding and if you were gonna’ wear heels for something surely it would be for your wedding?
14.  I don’t like the colour of the bridesmaids’ dresses. I really have no idea what colour I would have. I can’t think of any colour. What will I do if I literally can’t think of a colour?
15.  This so cute I’m going to cry.
16.  I wonder whether it will be a buffet or a sit down thing?
17. There’s a lot of people here…I hope there’s enough food to go round…
18. Free bar I wonder?
19. There are a lot of bad suits in this church.
20. Why can’t men tie ties? Why?
21.  I wonder who picks the suit, the bride or the groom. I think I would want to plan everything, I wouldn’t leave something that big to him. No way.
23.  I need wine.
24. I just want to get married
25. How do people even afford weddings?
26. Do the bride’s parents still pay for the wedding?! Is that even still a thing?!
27. Yeah, I’ll have another wine.
28. I wonder when she’s throwing the bouquet?
29.  I’m not going to try and catch it – you definitely have to be at least 23 to try and catch the bouquet.
30.  I can’t believe that woman is sounding off because she didn’t catch the bouquet…
31. Wow I’ve eaten too much. 
32. Cake you say?
33. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m having sponge at my wedding and that’s that. I can’t be dealing with fruit cake and marzipan.
34. I want to be a bride now.
35. It must be sad when your wedding day is nearly over.
36.  I bet that’s why people renew their vows.
37. Yeah, I’ll have another drink. 
38. If I didn’t get proposed to in the right way, I just don’t know if I could say yes even if I did want to get married. If they don’t know you well enough to know how you would want to be proposed to, then should you be getting married?
39.  Same with the ring. Gotta be right.
40. Today has been so lovely.
41. I wanna get married. Not yet but I do.
42. Why are they taking the buffet away there’s still stuff left?
43. More wine it is then…