Wednesday 12 February 2014

How many tulle skirts is too many tulle skirts?

I remember the first time I saw a tulle skirt and fully appreciated it. Minus the amount of times I wore one between the ages of 3 and 11 during ballet classes and shows - I never truly appreciated them, they were just my tutu's - I was so young and naive!

One night at the age of sixteen, sat nursing a broken heart and eating a bar of galaxy, I turned onto channel 5 and there it was - the Sex and the City intro - and there was Carrie, strutting through the streets of Manhattan, completely oblivious to the bus that was about to splash her beautiful pearl white tulle and baby pink leotard combo. Who is this gal with the fabulous big hair? And then it started - the first episode I ever saw - La Douleur Exquise (the exquisite pain) and it began with some sort of S & M party - I didn't know what the hell was going on but by the time Carrie was ranting down the phone to Big, one hand clasping a Cosmopolitan and the other holding the receiver - I knew I had found a new love. Big was moving to Paris for a year, how dare he? Poor Carrie. I've never looked back since that moment and guess what? The tulle skirts kept coming, each time better and better until the very last episode of Sex and the City when Carrie wears the extravagant ocean coloured tulle in Paris. In my opinion, completely wasted on Aleksandr Petrovsky, especially since he stood her up, what an idiot. In keeping with her character, even lil' Carrie in The Carrie Diaries is fond of the tulle skirt. Here are my favourites, I love young Carrie's outfit with the leopard top and green coat.

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