Thursday 4 September 2014

Find Happiness in Your Week - September 2014

I wasn't sure how I'd feel moving back to Manchester. Not that I don't enjoy being at home with my family, having a full fridge, living 5 minutes away from the girls and getting unlimited cuddles and therapeutic strokes off our family dog Max (or that I'm not hugely grateful to be able to save money instead of paying £500 per month on rent in Brighton!) but being told to tidy my room again, getting used to saying 'tea' instead of 'dinner' and de-Southernising the small parts of my accent which had changed in the last three years, was a little strange. Oh and the small matter of now being in a long-distance relationship - going from seeing someone everyday to at the most every fortnight, is an adjustment!

I miss Brighton; I miss the beach, the quirky people round every corner, my boyfriend, my southern friends and the coloured houses - but in the same way I missed Manchester, my family, the girls - when I first moved to Brighton. I once read that people feel unhappy when they idealise the past and take away from the present. Here's what's made me happy this week xox

1. SUNDAY READING - One thing about being at home is my mum's extensive collection of interior design books. This one is Vintage Home by Sarah Moore, £12.59 

2. THINGS TO SPREAD ON TOAST - Standing at this shelf in Tesco, in awe of how many different combinations of chocolate, peanuts, caramel, hazelnuts and biscuit spreads they have. I couldn't believe this selection and only £1.50! 

3. Seeing the girls together more times in three weeks than in the past year and realising how much we had missed living so close to each other whilst we were away at uni.

4. Getting one of my articles published in the local paper and seeing my name in print for the first time!

5. THE ZARA LOOKBOOK AW14 - The Zara lookbook never fails does it? And this season is no different! I just want them all #controlyourselfgals.


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