Wednesday 19 March 2014


When I first saw a no make-up selfie on my news feed, I didn’t know what the hell was going on! A bare faced selfie? Was this a mistake?! I’m sure you’re all aware of the no make-up selfie trend that is gripping Facebook and circulating amongst Twitter and Instagram. If you haven’t, firstly where have you been? And secondly, I will fill you in. In a nutshell, a Facebook friend is nominated to take a selfie photograph with not a scrap of make up on. They then nominate their friend to do the same and that friend nominates another friend who nominates another friend who nominates another friend...Get it?

Many people have been accompanying the selfie with a donation to Cancer Research; others, have opted not to take a selfie at all and to just donate directly to the charity. If you’ve been keeping you’re eye on Facebook, you might have noticed some heated status’ begging the question of what the no make-up selfie actually does for Cancer Research. I love a selfie, but I must admit when I first saw naked faced friends appearing on my news feed I was slightly skeptical – is this just another excuse to post a selfie? My immediate thoughts were: What is this doing for cancer research and will it turn into a competition as to who looks the best with no make up?

I slept on it and woke this morning feeling completely differently. There’s nothing wrong with this campaign. If it makes the tiniest difference to someone’s life by encouraging them to go to the doctor about a lump or a stubborn cough; if it makes you think, yeah, actually I’m going to start checking my breasts regularly, then what is the problem? If this social media trend can save the life of even one person in this world, then every single selfie is worth it. It’s certainly not hindering the cause. Accompanying your selfie with the £3 donation (txt BEAT to 70099) is a great idea, but if you cannot afford a donation, you’re still showing your support, you’re still getting people to stop and think about cancer. I don’t know about you but it’s been on my mind all day and yeah, it’s made me sad because I’ve thought about family members: those who have lost a battle to cancer and those who are currently fighting one now. Cancer affects the lives of everyone. Who doesn’t know someone whose life has been devastated by cancer? Putting cancer at the forefront of everyone’s minds – how can this be a bad thing?

Here’s my #nomakeupselfie. Txt BEAT to 70099 to make a £3 donation and visit this website for help and information on signs and symptoms of breast cancer.

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