Tuesday 6 January 2015

2015 New Year Faves!


I can't quite physically believe I'm saying Happy New Year. At the risk of sounding like just about anyone and everyone right now - where the bloody hell did 2014 go?

This is genuinely the beginning of every conversation I have had at work this week. 

"How was your New Year babe?! And where the bloody hell did 2014 go?"

But the first week of January is over. Which means there are only three more weeks of this awful month left. 2015 has well and truly arrived and let me remind you of why 2014 moving at lightening speed can only be a good thing. 

1. Valentines Day

Valentines Day is a rubbish day for a lot of people. Who cares about loved up couples? Who cares about romantic dinners and roses and restaurants that booked up last Summer? If you're single, or you find yourself with a lazy boyfriend this year, it sometimes feels inevitable that the day will end with irritation, a face full of Cadbury's Milk Tray and a bottle of 12% Rosè. And Bridget Jones too if you want to be one big ultimate clichè. 

But 2015 is the year when this will all change. And you don't have to be in a relationship to enjoy it. Infact, you might enjoy it more if you're not. This year is the year of Jamie Dornan.

I for one personally cannot wait to see Mr. Grey.

2. SS15

The beginning of the New Year means one thing and one thing only (in the fashion world, that is). The emergence of a new season. Sure, we're still in winter. For those of us who work 9-5, very little exposure to daylight makes us want to cry most days, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And that light, is SS15. It just looks right doesn't it?! 

Retro styles (think 60s and 70s), bare shoulders (think tailored bandeau), super soft suedes and stylish sportswear. Double denim goes without saying these days. Think triple, quadruple and even quintuple denim if that's even possible.


The Dalai Lama is right, obviously. And this year, it's...Dorset. Seriously. Not only is Dorset cropping up as one of the best holiday destinations for 2015, according to the Guardian, but Broadchurch (set in Dorset) is back on our screens from the 5th January! What's not to like about that? I realise I'm 21, not 201, but Broadchurch is amazing and how cute are these little houses?! Just another perk of 2015. 

4. EVEN MORE SELFIES...or not?

2014 was the year of the selfie and most of us, including myself, are looking forward to continuing this tradition well into 2015 and beyond.

However, on a more serious and extremely positive note, new laws are set to be introduced in New York, banning the popular trend - the 'tiger-selfie'. Much needed changes are coming into force to eradicate the exploitation of the animals, which is said to be encouraging people to separate baby tigers from big cats, resulting in later neglect and abandonment.

The new laws are a result of the overwhelming number of 'tiger-selfies' which have emerged on the ever-so-popular dating app, Tinder. A report from the Wall Street Journal, estimates that one in ten photos on Tinder has a tiger in it. If that's not a reason to make you swipe left, I don't know what is.


The new series of Girls cannot come quick enough. The new season airs on Monday 12th Jan on Sky Atlantic. Hannah's eating grapes instead of grilled cheese, Shoshana's had a new haircut and we all still hate Marnie. I can't wait.

Have a fabulous New Year! xox

Saturday 3 January 2015

High Neck 60s Style

High-neck dresses, A-line coats and girly prints and fabrics, epitomised the 60s fashion scene. I love this style - it's classy and effortlessly beautiful - just like these ladies below!

Much to my delight, high neck dresses, tunics and tees are everywhere at the moment and it's certainly not hard to recreate this look. Here are my faves:








Dahlia, £75

Dahlia, shorts £15, top £20 (SALE!)

The Laden Showroom, £38 (SALE!)

ASOS, £45

Sister Jane, £52

Sister Jane, £56

Sister Jane, £68

Sister Jane, 68
